This consultation invites views on the Department’s Draft Knowledge Framework (Education Strategy).
- Stakeholder letter
- Draft Knowledge Framework - January 2017
- Background evidence for the development of the Knowledge Framework
- Response template
- EQIA screening template
- Final Knowledge Framework
- Summary of consultation responses
Consultation description
The draft DAERA Knowledge Framework is a succinct, high level framework that sets out the rationale for the Department’s involvement in education, knowledge and skills, what the Department seeks to achieve and the nature of its interventions.
The Framework is broader than solely education and also encompasses training and technology exchange provision. All of these elements should be central to the Department’s policy objectives and strategic goals, and wherever possible, knowledge and skills acquisition should be integral components of all policy interventions and programmes aimed at delivering the Department’s strategic objectives.
It is intended that the Framework will act as the point of reference against which all of the Department’s future knowledge interventions can be tested and anchored. It is this latter aspect (i.e. the testing of what we do against the Framework) that will both drive change and guide the nature of future knowledge interventions.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.