The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA) is seeking views on a public discussion document on the “Future Recycling and Separation of Waste of a Household Nature in Northern Ireland”. The document sets out the current position of recycling in Northern Ireland, and the current and new regulatory, climate change and market drivers that will influence policy in the future. It seeks views on a range of proposals, which will help shape the landscape of waste management in Northern Ireland. It should be read in conjunction with the WRAP report on Municipal Recycling
- Municipal Recycling Potential in NI 2020 (WRAP Report)
- Future Recycling and Separate Collection of Waste of a Household Nature in Northern Ireland (Abridged Version)
- Future Recycling and Separate Collection of Waste of a Household Nature in NI 2020 - Discussion Document
Consultation description
This year will see the introduction of a range of new requirements relating to the management of waste as part of the Circular Economy Package. This includes requirements around recycling and the separate collection of waste. In particular, businesses who produce mixed waste and waste which is similar in nature and composition to waste from households will be required present their waste for recycling. As with households, businesses will be required to facilitate the separate collection of the main household waste streams such as paper, metal, plastic and glass. These measures do not extend to waste resulting from production.
This discussion document will not introduce any new policies, but rather seek views on steps towards improving the quality and quantity of household and non-household recyclate in Northern Ireland and cut landfill rates whilst having minimal impact on businesses and householders. It seeks views on a series of proposals for what our recycling environment could look like in the future, and makes suggestions on possible ways to improve the quality and quantity of municipal waste recycled in Northern Ireland.
It is important to note that this document is for discussion only, it does not introduce any new policies at this stage. We welcome responses from all sectors, age-groups, organisations and individuals.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.