The Department is required to give an opinion on proposed projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended).
Project reference: ERA23/24-47
Consultation description
Reference | ERA23/24-47 |
Project type | Deforestation |
Location | Davagh Forest, Co. Tyrone |
Grid Reference | H 70160 87600 and H 73011 85872 |
Area | Davagh (north) 68.3 hectares Davagh (east) 60.8 hectares |
Project description | Peatland restoration requiring the removal of conifer trees. The Department does not propose to prepare an environmental statement in respect of this project. |
An opinion under the Regulations is formed taking account of the selection criteria specified in the legislation. An opinion may be ‘relevant’ if it is considered that a project is likely to have a significant effect on the environment or ‘not relevant’ if a project is considered unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment. Each project is required to comply with the UK Forestry Standard, which describes the governments’ approach to sustainable forestry. |
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.