- Reference Affor 17/18-02
- Project type Afforestation
- Location Moyad Upper, Attical
- Grid Reference J 287 216
- Area 4.52ha
- Project description Planting of oakwood
- Opinion Relevant. There are likely significant environmental effects because: the establishment of a seed source may have the potential for colonisation of habitats within the Eastern Mournes SAC/ ASSI; the entire area is priority habitat Lowland heathland; and woodland creation would be out of keeping with the landscape character of this part of the Mourne AONB. This project will require an environmental statement.
Further information may be obtained by contacting Policy and Regulation Branch at 028 6634 3165 or by emailing customer.forestservice@daera-ni.gov.uk
Any person wishing to comment on the likely environmental effects of the above project may do so in writing by 30 October 2017 to Forest Service, Policy and Regulations Branch, Inishkeen House, Killyhevlin, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh BT74 4EJ or by emailing customer.forestservice@daera-ni.gov.uk