Construction of a single carriageway bridge between Omeath and Warrenpoint, spanning the Narrow Water.
This web page publishes all relevant documentation to assist consultees in responding to the marine construction licence application under Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.
- 1. Application for Marine Construction Works
- 2. Outline CEMP
- 3. HRA 2012
- 4. Technical appraisal of HRA 2023
- 6. Environmental Impact Statement Table of Contents
- 7. Environmental Statement Volume 1
- 8. Environmental Statement Volume 2
- 9. Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 1
- 10. Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 2
- 11. Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 3
- 12. Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 4
- 13. Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 5
- ABP Planning Approval
- Planning Service Approval
- Screening Opinion
- MCZ Assessment Rev 2 Narrow Water Bridge
Consultation description
Reference: ML2022003
Project Type: Construction
Location: The proposed Narrow Water Bridge will cross the Newry River approximately 400m south of the Narrow Water Keep. The bridge, which will connect the R173 Omeath Road south of Ferry Hill and the A2 dual carriageway at the existing roundabout, is situated approximately 1km and 2km northwest of Warrenpoint and Omeath, respectively. The bridge will pass close to the beacon near the southern shoreline.
Project Description: Construction of a single carriageway bridge between Omeath and Warrenpoint, spanning the Narrow Water.
Applicant: Louth County Council
Status: Public consultation on marine licence application
Applied: 28th February 2024
EIA Screening Opinion
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Marine and Fisheries Division is the marine licensing authority for the Northern Ireland inshore region under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and the appropriate authority for Northern Ireland as set out in the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2007.
This development is screened having regard to developments under the Marine Works Regulations which may or are likely to have a significant effect on the environment. An assessment of the likely significant impact of the development proposals on the environment using the criteria set out under Schedule 3 of the Regulations has been completed.
Having taken account of this assessment, DAERA Marine Licensing has made a screening decision that the works proposed would not require an EIA under the Regulations.
DAERA Marine Licensing are content that no issues have been raised during this screening process and that due to the transboundary nature of the project, that the proposed works will have no significant effect on the environment in either of the NI and RoI jurisdictions.
Marine Licence public consultation
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Marine and Fisheries Division is the marine licensing authority for the Northern Ireland inshore region under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and the appropriate authority for Northern Ireland as set out in the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2007.
An application has been made under Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act for a marine construction licence for the Narrow Water Bridge, Warrenpoint.
Planning Authorisations
This project has been considered as a whole by planning authorities in both NI and RoI jurisdictions.
Northern Ireland Planning Application Reference Number - P/2012/0121/F
An Bord Pleanála for Louth County Council - 15.HA0037
How to respond
Please send your written responses to the consultation to the email address listed below.
Please note the closing date for responses is 27th March 2024.
Any comments received after this date will not be included in the final decision.
- Application for Marine Construction Works
- Outline CEMP
- HRA 2012
- Technical appraisal of HRA 2023
- MCZ assessment
- Environmental Impact Statement Table of Contents
- Environmental Statement Volume 1
- Environmental Statement Volume 2
- Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 1
- Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 2
- Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 3
- Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 4
- Environmental Statement Volume 3 Part 5
- ABP Planning Approval
- Planning Service Approval
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.