DAERA appoints new board member
Date published:
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has appointed Mr Shane Lynch as a non-executive board member (NEBM) to the Departmental Board.

NEBMs bring external perspectives and experiences and provide invaluable support and constructive challenge to executive members in their role to ensure that the Board’s business is discharged effectively.
Mr Lynch has 40 years’ experience in the energy sector in asset management and development, regulation and consultancy. He is a former CEO of the Utility Regulator for Northern Ireland and a former Managing Director for the AES Corporation in Northern Ireland where he had responsibility for the operation and development of power plant assets.
Mr Lynch is presently the Electricity Price Control Commissioner for the Channel Island of Sark. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee for the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities and a panel member of the Office for the UK Internal Market.
Mr Lynch’s appointment, which is for three years, commences on 1 January 2024 and strengthens further the skills base of our Departmental Board.
Notes to editors:
- Each NI department is required to have an effective departmental board which provides leadership for the department’s business, helping it to operate effectively. The board supports senior officials in directing the business of the department in as effective and efficient way as possible and plays a particularly important role in supporting the Principal Accounting Officer in discharging their obligations as set out in Managing Public Money Northern Ireland.
- NEBMs are paid a daily rate of £529.68. The time commitment will be approximately 2.5 days per month.
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