DAERA to prosecute BVD offenders

Date published: 08 April 2019

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) today announced plans to take enforcement action against herd keepers who breach the testing requirements of the 2016 BVD Order.


Herds with significant numbers of untested animals born since 1 March 2016 (when compulsory testing commenced) will be contacted and given 30 days to have these animals tested. Failure to do so may result in prosecution.

Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Robert Huey, said: “Since BVD testing became compulsory we have seen a significant drop in the prevalence of BVD, however, it is disappointing that a small number of herd keepers continue to keep untested animals. Some of these are likely to be persistently infected with BVD virus so they are a disease risk, both to the current herd and to neighbouring herds.”

He continued: “BVD eradication is dependent on herd keepers being aware of the status of their animals and taking appropriate action. The Department has a responsibility to ensure the legislation is adhered to and we will seek to enforce this through the courts if necessary.”

Herd keepers can review the BVD status of their animals on APHIS Online or on printed herd-lists which are available from DAERA Direct offices, with any untested animals born since 1 March 2016 having a BVDU status. A tissue or blood sample should be submitted from these animals to an approved lab for testing.

Further information about BVD can be found at http://www.animalhealthni.com/

Notes to editors: 

  1. Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) is a highly contagious viral infection which currently affects over 7% of cattle herds in Northern Ireland. The disease is spread by persistently infected (PI) and transiently infected (TI) animals. PI animals are the most important as they are infectious for their entire lifetime, continuously shedding very high levels of the virus. Initially they often appear normal but usually they become ill at an early age with most dying before they reach breeding age or slaughter weight.
  2. The BVD Eradication Scheme Order (NI) 2016 requires that all cattle (including stillbirths and abortions) born after 1 March 2016 to be tagged with a tissue-sample enabled tag and the tissue sample submitted to an approved testing laboratory.
  3. Animals born since 1 March 2016 which are untested have BVDU (BVD unknown) status on APHIS. This includes animals imported from ROI, GB or elsewhere.
  4. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office on 028 9052 4619 or via email to DAERA Press Office. Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer on 028 9037 8110.
  5. Follow DAERA on Twitter and Facebook

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