Local Peatland Restoration is Happening Across Northern Ireland and more can be done with a New £3 Million Fund
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As this month marks World Environment Day (5th June), World Oceans Day (8th June) and Clean Air Day (20th June), DAERA is highlighting how our precious peatlands are helping nature to recover and helping to reduce our carbon emissions.

DAERA’s Environment Fund has over recent years helped multiple councils and not-for-profit organisations to restore local peatland sites. This includes Ulster Wildlife who have worked with DAERA’s Forest Service, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and others to protect and enhance these vital habitats.
You can see some local peatland restoration projects, that will surely inspire applications to DAERA’s Peatland Challenge Fund that’s open until 19th June.
On 15th May Environment Minister Andrew Muir launched this new £3million Peatland Challenge Fund to help protect our peatlands.
He explained:
“Our peatlands are of enormous importance to our environment, affecting our water quality, conserving biodiversity and in mitigating climate change by storing carbon, so I am delighted to announce the opening of this £3 million competition fund. It provides a great opportunity to support local not-for-profit organisations and councils to help improve the conditions of our peatlands, many of which are sadly in poor condition."
Councils and voluntary organisations can now apply to the Fund Competition which offers a minimum grant of £50,000 for projects that will protect and improve our environment by restoring peatlands.
Further information, including, eligibility, guidance notes and details of how you can apply for funding, can be found on the DAERA website at: Environment Fund 2023 - 2028