EU review and feedback period of ozone depleting substances ("ODS") policy and legislation
Date published:
The European Union ("EU") has carried out a review of its laws on ODS, and is considering new provisions which may have an effect on NI stakeholders.A draft set of proposed EU Regulations was compiled and a public feedback period closed on 23rd June 2022.A new EU law on ODS may well be issued as a result of these proposed Regulations, and this would likely be directly applicable in NI.
A new NI law, detailing new provisions, with possible new offences and resulting penalties, would then be compiled for consideration in the NI Assembly.
The stakeholders which may be affected include:
- All businesses which use ODS, including:
- as process agents,
- for laboratory and analytical uses,
- in fire extinguishers and fire equipment,
- in military equipment,
- in aircraft, airfields and airports,
- in refrigeration,
- in air-conditioning,
- in heat pumps,
- in metered dose inhalers,
- in building/construction foams,
- in refillable or non-refillable containers,
- businesses which use the ODS trifluoromethane,
- companies importing/exporting products/equipment containing ODS
- The enforcing authorities for NI ODS provisions, i.e.
- the district councils of NI,
- customs authorities, and
- the NI Environment Agency
- The certification, evaluation and attestation bodies for individuals using ODS.
The opportunity to submit comments has now elapsed, but further information on the proposals can be found on the web-page on the EU feedback period on proposed ODS Regulations.
Then, you can also sign up for future updates if you wish on the EU’s Have your Say page
A shorter summary of the new provisions of the proposed EU Regulation on ODS is available for your perusal on the attached document.