Marine Construction Licence ML2024027 NIR Translink Sea Defences Carrickfergus, Boneybefore

Date published: 28 August 2024

Translink have requested works to be completed to improve the sea defences in Carrickfergus, Boneybefore, which run parallel with a section of the Northern Irish Railway.


Reference: ML2024027
Project Type: Construction
Location: Coordinates:
Latitude 54.722356 N Longitude 05.783387 W
Latitude 54.722764 N Longitude 05.781315 W
Project Description: Works will include improving current rock armour in this location and installing rock bags to prevent further scouring along the toe of the current sea defences. Other minor works will be completed including replacing coping stones along retaining walls in sections and securing a service cover.
Applicant: Translink NIR
Status: Under Consideration
Applied: 01/07/2024
Licence Start Date: N/A
Licence End Date: N/A

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