Marine Licence ML 150_16 Belfast Harbour Disposal
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Sea disposal of capital dredge material removed from a berthing pocket being created at D3, with a potential exclusion of material pending contamination testing. Contaminated material may be stored within the Musgrave bunded site. Working methods involve back hoe dredging or similar methods in barges then transported to disposal site and disposed by Spilt Bottom Doors or by pump to Musgrave.
Proposal Description
Reference: ML 150_16
Project Type: Disposal of dredged material
Location: Belfast Harbour
Coordinates: 54.755218 -5.485002
Project Description: Sea disposal of capital dredge material removed from a berthing pocket being created at D3.
Applicant: Belfast Harbour Commissioners
Status: Active
Date Issued: 22/07/2022
Licence Start Date: 01/08/2022
Licence End Date: 31/07/2025