Marine licence ML 36_18 Larne Maintenance on railway line

Date published: 07 April 2020

Last updated: 28 November 2022

Northern Ireland Railways (NIR) requires essential infrastructural maintenance on the Belfast to Larne line at the Inver River. The proposed works involve reinstatement of rock armour scour prevention measures which have recently deteriorated.

Proposal Description

Reference: ML 36_18
Project Type: Construction
Location: Inver River Bridge, Larne
Coordinates: 342034, 402095 (Irish Grid Reference)
Project Description: Maintenance on the Larne railway line at Inver River
Applicant: Translink
Status: Expired
Date Issued: 16/04/2019
Licence Start Date: 16/04/2019
Licence End Date: 15/04/2020

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