Marine Licence ML2020016 Between Scotland and Larne
Date published:
Installation of replacement submarine telecommunication cable between Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Proposal Description
Reference: ML2020016
Project Type: Construction
Location: Between Scotland and Larne
Coordinates: Landfall at Drains Bay, Larne Mid and East Antrim, 54° 52.896' N, 5° 50.275' W and seaward works area within the Northern Ireland Marine Licensing Zone bounded by joining Points
54° 1’ N 05° 34’ W
54° 59’ N 05° 37’ W
54° 57’ N 05° 38’ W
54° 56’ N 05° 38’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 39’ W
54° 54’ N 05° 41’ W
54° 54’ N 05° 41’ W
54° 54’ N 05° 44’ W
54° 54’ N 05° 45’ W
54° 53’ N 05° 49’ W
54° 53’ N 05° 50’ W
54° 53’ N 05° 50’ W
54° 54’ N 05° 49’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 46’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 45’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 45’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 44’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 41’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 41’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 40’ W
54° 55’ N 05° 39’ W
54° 56’ N 05° 39’ W
54° 57’ N 05° 39’ W
54° 59’ N 05° 38’ W
55° 2’ N 05° 35’ W
Project Description: The existing BT telecommunication cable crossing the Irish Sea (Scotland to Northern Ireland 2) is critical telecommunications infrastructure and is nearing the end of its functional life, therefore in order to maintain telecommunication services, BT is proposing to install a replacement Scotland to Northern Ireland (Scot-NI 4) system.
Applicant: British Telecommunications
Status: Expired
Date Issued: 05/08/2021
Licence Start Date: 01/09/2021
Licence End Date: 31/08/2022