Marine Licensing (Northern Ireland) Application Fees 2024/25 Consultation Responses
Date published:
Summary of Responses: Consultation on Proposals to Amend Marine Licensing Fees
On 9 July 2024, DAERA launched a public consultation which lasted 8 weeks and closed on 3 September 2024.
The consultation sought views from the public on two sets of proposals to revise marine licensing fees. In the short-term, DAERA wishes to increase marine licensing application fees to ensure that a greater proportion of the cost of determining a marine licence application is met by applicants. This will be achieved through amending the Marine Licensing (Application Fees) Regulations 2011.
The consultation also set out and sought views on proposals to amend the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 to enable the Department to recover the cost of the resource that it expends in discharging all of its marine licensing functions. It is anticipated that this will be achieved via the Financial Provisions Bill which is being led by the Department of Finance.
Two stakeholder events were held during the consultation and 17 responses to the consultation were received.
DAERA are grateful to everyone who took time to respond to this consultation and/or attended the workshop/engagement events.
Synopsis of Responses
Around eight to nine respondents provided answers to the consultation questions while a number of general points were made by other respondents. All responses were carefully considered and DAERA’s response to the issues raised is set out in the Synopsis of Responses.