Regional Groundwater Aquifer and Vulnerability Classification – Use of GSNI GeoIndex - April 2018

Date published: 31 May 2018

Information relating to groundwater aquifer classification, superficial aquifers and groundwater vulnerability is available online directly from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland’s (GSNI) GeoIndex website.


If seeking information in relation to the preparation of an environmental assessment i.e. a hydrogeological or water features survey, then it should be noted that other third party stakeholder organisations should also be contacted, in addition to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland as they might also hold relevant information.  Furthermore, a prudent assessment would also usually include, as a minimum, a site visit in order to verify the information collated.



The information hosted on the GeoIndex is used by both the Northern Ireland Environment Agency Water Management Unit (NIEA WMU) and the GSNI when responding to general enquiries requesting hydrogeological information.

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