SHA Templates
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On this page you will find the templates you need to submit an application for a Support Health Attestation. Additionally you can download the Supplementary Schedule which you can use to submit further information as detailed below.You must use the latest versions of the templates - they are always available here.
Standard SHA template
Please use this template to submit your application for a Support Health Attestation if you are not exporting as part of any of the schemes specified below.
Groupage Export Facilitation Scheme (GEFS) template
Before you use this template, you must ensure that your customer in GB is registered for the Groupage Export Facilitation Scheme (GEFS) and that you have arranged for an initial eligibility inspection to be conducted by your certifying officer.
Risk-based Fish Export Certification (RBFEC) template
Use this template if you are applying for a SHA as part of the RBFEC scheme.
Supplementary Schedule
You should only use a schedule to include details of the product if there is insufficient space on the SHA pdf application form at Section I entitled 'Identification of Products'. You should not use a schedule where all the information can be entered on the SHA pdf application.
When using the schedule please insert "see attached schedule” at the relevant part of the SHA application. For example if you need to use a schedule to outline product details at the section entitled 1(a) Description of Products you should record “see attached schedule" in that line and
record the full product details in the schedule.
You should upload this schedule along with your SHA application.
The SHA serial reference will be added by the certifying officer when processing your application.