Community red squirrel groups of NI
Northern Ireland currently has 14 Red Squirrel volunteer groups with a 15th in development and two NGO led projects, who work with the statutory agencies and landowners to secure the future of the red squirrel – further details about their work is available using the links below.

Each of our groups works their local patch aiming to conserve and expand the current population of red squirrels within their local area. They do this by a number of methods including; educating the public, supplementary feeding of the reds, and removal of any encroaching greys amongst many other important tasks. There are multiple different roles within the squirrel groups for all levels of skills and abilities. You learn very quickly lots about red squirrels and their ecosystems.
The Glens Red Squirrel Group
Our aims are: To Protect and help maintain the population of red squirrels in the Glens of Antrim. To provide whatever assistance possible to enable them to thrive. In furtherance of these objects the Group intends to raise Public awareness of the plight of the Red Squirrel and to educate and encourage young people in conservation of the “Reds” throughout the Glens of Antrim.
Website -
Chair -
Secretary -
Report a Sighting – 0871 315 7376
Tollymore Red Squirrel Group
The Tollymore Red Squirrel Group was formed in 2004 by a group of volunteers and Forest Service management and staff, united by a common concern-the loss of the red Squirrel in Tollymore Forest Park.
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Fermanagh Red Squirrel Group
The Fermanagh Red Squirrel Group (FRSG) was established to assist in the conservation of the red squirrel in County Fermanagh, the most westerly county in Northern Ireland. The Fermanagh Red Squirrel Group (FRSG) was formed in the spring of 2011, facilitated by Fermanagh District Council through its Local Biodiversity Action Plan. It was established to assist in the conservation of the red squirrel in the county.
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Slieve Gullion and Cooley Red Squirrel Group
The aims of the Ring of Gullion and Cooley Red Squirrel Group are:
To protect and help maintain the population of red squirrels in the Ring of Gullion and Cooley area. To provide whatever assistance possible to enable them to thrive. In furtherance of these aims, the group intends to raise public awareness of the plight of the Red Squirrel and to educate and encourage young people in conservation of the “Reds” throughout the Ring of Gullion and Cooley area.
We need help from anyone who sees a squirrel, grey or red even if it is road kill. This shows the group areas where squirrels are being killed. Land owners can also help if they find any greys or reds on their grounds. Everyone can help us by letting the group know about it their sightings
Website -
Get involved -
The North West Red Squirrel Group
Based in Derry/Londonderry and are actively helping conserve red squirrel strongholds within a 10 mile radius of the city- mainly Muff Glen, Eglinton and out along Letterkenny Road (City Cemetry) and Culmore Road, Drumahoe, Prehen and Enagh areas. This entails removing any grey squirrels present and supplementary feeding the reds. We meet up every weekend in Muff Glen and attend any environment based events, go into schools and youth groups to educate and hold fund raising events. We hold a Red Squirrel Day in October each year at various venues.
We will be launching red squirrel safaris in Muff Glen towards the end of January 2019 to coincide with the erection of information boards and leaflets.
Anyone who would like to get involved with our group should email us or message us on our Facebook page:
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Ards Red Squirrel Group
Covering the Ards Peninsula from Newtownards to Millisle and South the group works to defend the red squirrels which inhabit the peninsulas woodlands and expand the populations from Mount Stewart estate. Led by the National Trust Mount Stewart Ranger team the group is working with local landowners and volunteers monitor red squirrels and remove any greys that venture down the Peninsula.
Web: Protecting the red squirrel and where to spot them at Mount Stewart | National Trust
Binevenagh RSG
Established in 2021 This new group has rallied around protecting and expanding a newly discovered population of Red Squirrels in the upper Binevenagh area. They are keen to get in touch with landowners large and domestic in the region to establish a network of protective corridors and grey control buffer zones
Facebook: Binevenagh Red Squirrels Group | Facebook
Twitter: Binevenagh Red Squirrels Group (@BinevenaghR) / Twitter
West Tyrone Red Squirrel Group
West Tyrone Red Squirrel Group is a local voluntary community organisation, which aims to protect and expand Red Squirrel populations in the West Tyrone area. We have a range of volunteer roles including camera trapping, community engagement and grey squirrel management – we are always looking for new members and would be delighted to hear from you!
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Sliabh Beagh & Clogher Valley
A red squirrel group operating in the Clogher Valley area with feeding stations at Favour Royal, Altadaven wood (St. Patricks Chair) and Fardross forest. Our aim is to help to increase the population of our native red squirrel in these pockets where this now rare species still exist. We hope that by supplying food the squirrel will produce bigger broods as it has been proved that this is the case when things are plentiful.
It is thought that the survival of our red squirrel is closely linked to the pine marten, another animal in danger of becoming extinct on this island.
We are also interested in recording sightings of these and other species of birds and animals you see when out in these areas.
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Ballygally Biodiversity Group
The Ballygally & District Biodiversity Group (BBG) was formed in 2015 by a group of volunteers with a wide ranging interest in conservation and in particular the protection of native species.
Based in the Larne area the BBG draws its membership from across Co. Antrim and endeavours to concentrate on "Target" species that are under severe threat.
The Group have specialists in Red Squirrel conservation which involves extensive Grey Squirrel Control.
Email contact for the Group is
Facebook -
North Down Red Squirrel and Pine Marten Group
They are active on two sites with known red squirrel populations and four sites with significant numbers of grey squirrels. Working in the surrounds of Holywood, Bangor and Newtownards to encourage more red squirrel areas and supporting colleagues in the Ards Group trying to reduce the tide of greys approaching the Peninsula.
Facebook -
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The Heart of Down Red Squirrel Group
Based in the centre of County Down near Ballynahinch working hard to protect, conserve and help our native red squirrel in and around mid-Down. To further these aims we provide assistance and guidance to gardeners and landowners re best practise on habitat, feeding etc. We aim to raise public awareness at all times to the plight of the red squirrel and are actively engaging with local schools to educate and enthuse future generations to ensure they also can enjoy this little wonder of nature.
The Mourne Heritage Trust (MHT)
Mourne Heritage Trust is an independent limited company and a registered charity established to meet an identified need for locally based, strategic management of the Mourne AONB. The model of a trust-based partnership was agreed in 1997 by Environment and Heritage Service (now Northern Ireland Environment Agency) and Northern Ireland Tourist Board, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the three local councils (at that time) of Banbridge, Down and Newry & Mourne respectively. The MHT has volunteer opportunities across a wide range of projects including working in Red Squirrel conservation.
Contact: 028 4372 4059
Website -
For general chatter about red squirrel conservation in Northern Ireland visit the Red Squirrels Northern Ireland Facebook group
Rostrevor Red Squirrel Group
We are interested in the monitoring and protection of our native Red Squirrel in Rostrevor.
The aim of the group is to monitor sightings of squirrels, both Red and Grey, and also Pine Marten.
Rostrevor contains a key population and we aim to protect it.
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The Mid-Ulster Red Squirrel Group
The Mid-Ulster Red Squirrel Group is a registered charity dedicated to the monitoring and protection of red squirrels and their habitats, primarily located within the groups ‘Operational Area’, which constitutes an expansive area of Mid-Ulster; including Tyrone and South-Derry / Londonderry.
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