Quick Guides
Links to useful guidance related to EU Exit transition and compliance.
Moving Product of Animal Origin, Animal By Products and Non-Retail goods into Northern Ireland
- Guidance on bringing Product of Animal Origin, Animal By Products and Germplasm from GB to NI
- Guidance for moving Products of Animal Origin (POAO) from EU countries to NI via the GB landbridge
- For more information
Moving Live Animals into Northern Ireland
- Guidance on Bringing Live Animals and Fish to NI from GB
- SPS checks – Advice on Live Animals transiting the GB landbridge
- Guidance on Bringing Live Animals to NI from EU via the GB Landbridge
- For more information
Moving Goods into Northern Ireland under the Authorised Traders Scheme
- Detailed guidance for Authorised Traders
- Updated arrangements for Authorised Traders from 1 April 2021
- Detailed guidance for Authorised Traders Moving Prohibited and Restricted (P&R) Goods to NI from GB
- For more information
Collecting and Moving SPS Goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland through Groupage
- DAERA Guidance for the Collection and Movement of SPS Goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland through Groupage
- For more information