Ulster Coarse Fishing Federation
The Ulster Coarse Fishing Federation (UCFF) is the Ulster Provincial Council of the National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland (NCFFI) and the National Governing Body for Angling as recognised by Sport Northern Ireland(NI).
The NCFFI represents coarse anglers whether as a member club or an individual angler and is responsible for a wide range of angling matters relating to coarse fishing in Ireland. There is particular focus on introducing young and older people alike to coarse angling, improving coarse angling facilities, coaching and development, protecting fish stocks and management of international teams representing Ireland overseas.
The Ulster Coarse Fishing Federation works in partnership with Inland Fisheries, Loughs Agency, Sport NI, Tourism NI and other key angling stakeholders through the NI Angling Forum to take forward the recommendations of the Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland (NI) 2013, and the update of the review 2016.
Final copies can be viewed here.
For more information about the Ulster Coarse Fishing Federation click here