At CAFRE’s Greenmount Campus, work is ongoing to improve water management of the farm centres, Horticulture Development Centre and the campus generally. A number of water management technologies have been installed including constructed wetlands, rainwater harvesting and electronic control systems for irrigation management. Practical experience has been gained through these activities and useful lessons learned.


Reports on water management at CAFRE. CAFRE is committed to the implementation of good environmental practices. By taking a precision water management approach, CAFRE has significantly reduced water inputs.

CAFRE water usage report 2013

CAFRE Precision water management project

Precision water management in protected crops

Technology Projects - Water Precision Management

What's on

Information on workshops and events held by the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise in relation to Precision Water Management in Horticultural Crops, Water Management in the new CAFRE Dairy Unit and Rainwater Harvesting. 

Rainwater harvesting workshop

Farmers were shown the rainwater harvesting system installed in the new Dairy unit at the Dairy Development Centre, Greenmount Campus. The 4,500sq metre roof is used to collect rainfall, which is stored in an underground tank. The system is designed to use available rainwater for the volume wash header tank, and after sterilisation (by passing through UV filter) used for drinking water for the livestock, first before topping up with bore well water.

Contacts and links


Cathal Ellis, Project Manager - Precision water management and rainwater harvesting.


Telephone: 028 9442 6793


Martin Wooster, CAFRE Estates Manager – facilities water management.


Telephone: 028 9442 713


Links to equipment suppliers:


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