- Reference Defor 16/17-11
- Project type Deforestation
- Location Tullykittagh, Clough, Co. Antrim
- Grid Reference D 114 154
- Area 2.54ha
- Project description Clearance of conifers to convert to agricultural land
- Opinion Not relevant. There are no significant environmental effects
Further information may be obtained by contacting Grants and Regulations Branch at 028 6634 3165 or by emailing customer.forestservice@daera-ni.gov.uk
Any person wishing to comment on the likely environmental effects of the above project may do so in writing by 2/06/17 to Forest Service, Grants and Regulations Branch, Inishkeen House, Killyhevlin, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh BT74 4EJ or by emailing customer.forestservice@daera-ni.gov.uk