This consultation seeks views on the Waste Prevention Programme for Northern Ireland 2019, aimed at maintaining a downward trend in waste arisings, which in turn will have a significant impact on meeting EU landfill diversion targets. The programme is also aimed at supporting and promoting resource efficiency and the sustainable use of resources in Northern Ireland, whilst ensuring a shift towards a more circular economy.
- Consultation Letter - Waste Prevention Programme for NI - 2019
- Waste Prevention Programme 2019 - Stopping Waste in its Tracks
- Summary of Responses Waste Prevention Programme 2019
Consultation description
The Department of Environment prepared the first Waste Prevention Programme for Northern Ireland – ‘The Road to Zero Waste’ by December 2013. This was required by Article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive [2008/98/EC]. Thirteen waste prevention actions were proposed that have either been implemented or are ongoing. This programme then, aims to build on the “Road to Zero Waste” programme and continue to maintain the downward trend in waste arisings by decoupling economic growth from the environmental impacts associated with waste generation. The actions in this updated programme cover a number of key objectives including;
- stimulating a culture of resource efficiency in all organisations,
- encouraging re-use and repair of products,
- developing and supporting information and awareness campaigns,
- improving producer responsibility schemes,
- encouraging less waste generation.
We welcome your views and comments on the plans to help develop proposals for future support arrangements.
This consultation closed on 18th March 2020. Eleven responses were received and these are detailed in the Summary of Responses document above.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.