Water Management Unit
Public office opening hours are 10.00am to 4.00pm each working day (closed for lunch from 12.30pm to 1.30pm)
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
17 Antrim Road
Tonagh, Lisburn
County Antrim
BT28 3AL
If you know the person you wish to speak to, please ring 0300 200 7850
Here are some helpful email contacts:
- for information requests, email: waterinfo@daera-ni.gov.uk
- for domestic consents, email: consents@daera-ni.gov.uk
- for industrial consents, email: niea.dicapadmin@daera-ni.gov.uk
- for sewage regulation, email: wurg.admin@daera-ni.gov.uk
- for water abstraction and impoundment, email: ail@daera-ni.gov.uk
- for nutrient action programme regulations, ssafo, field heap notifications or groundwater regulations, email: agricultural.regulation@daera-ni.gov.uk
- for water pollution and prevention, email: emergency-pollution@daera-ni.gov.uk or tel No 0800 807060