2020 Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) derogation are now open

Date published: 06 February 2020

Applications for a derogation to spread up to 250kg of Nitrogen per hectare per year have now opened under the Nutrient Action Programme (NAP) NI 2019.


The exemption is subject to farms meeting designated requirements. However, once these have been approved, farms may operate above the 170kg limit to a maximum of 250kg hectare per year for grazing livestock manure.

Changes to the nitrogen excretion rate values for some livestock types as of January 1, 2020, means that some farms who previously did not require a derogation, may now require one in order to continue operating at existing stocking levels and to avoid incurring a penalty under cross-compliance rules.

Therefore, farm businesses are advised to check their nutrient loading levels by using the nutrient calculators within DAERA’s online services. And, further information is also available from CAFRE advisors if required.

Applications for a derogation in 2020 can also be made via the above link – by selecting the NAP Derogation button. Fertilisation accounts for farms derogated in 2019 must also be completed via the same NAP service.

The closing date for new applications and 2019 account submissions will be 31 March 2020. Contact: Derogation@Daera-ni.gov.uk for more information.


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  2. All media enquiries to DAERA Press Office or tel: 028 9052 4619.

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