Fairy Water Bogs SAC

Protected area type: Special Areas of Conservation
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Tyrone
Council: Derry and Strabane
Guidance and literature: Fairy Water Bogs SAC

Fairy Water Bogs are located at an elevation below 80m in the former floodplains of the Fairy Water valley to the north of Drumquin. They are considered to be the most important concentration of lowland raised bogs in Northern Ireland.

The SAC is made up of three separate active raised bogs with classic dome structure – Bomackatall and North Drumnafallow, Claragh and Kilmore Robinson. Bomackatall Bog surrounds an agriculturally improved drumlin top, which is excluded from the SAC.

Hummocks and hollows, with widespread Bryophyte communities, are generally well developed on all four bogs and contain some notable species, including Sphagnum fuscum and Sphagnum imbricatum. At North Drumnafallow there is still some evidence of mire development over the site of an old pond.


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