Florence Court ASSI
- Habitat,
- Species
Florence Court has been declared an ASSI because of its parkland and woodland habitats and associated species.
Oak is the dominant tree species in the parkland at Florence Court, with species such as Lime, Beech, Ash, Hawthorn, Willow and Horse-chestnut. A number of notable orchids are recorded from these plantation woodlands. These include the rare Green-flowered Helleborine and the notable Bird’s-nest Orchid.
Areas of semi-natural woodland at Florence Court are found along narrow valleys to the south and west of the site. On the upper, drier valley slopes, the woodland canopy is dominated by Ash with an understorey of Hazel and Holly. The ground flora consists of woodland herbs such as Wood-sorrel, Woodruff, Primrose, Sanicle and Enchanter’s-nightshade. Where the ground conditions become wetter along the lower slopes, the canopy is dominated by Alder and Willow and the ground flora is typified by moisture loving plants such as Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage, Remote Sedge, Yellow Pimpernel, Meadowsweet and Marsh-marigold.
Further diversity is provided through areas of wet grassland to the south of the site which is composed of species such as Crested Dog’s-tail, Sharp-flowered Rush, Common Sedge, Star Sedge, Meadowsweet, Marsh Thistle, Meadow Vetchling and Devil’s-bit Scabious.
The trees at Florence Court provide very important habitat for a wide variety of lichens, including some very rare species. The site is important for lichens because of the variety of available habitat, the mild, wet Atlantic climate, the good air quality and historical continuity of woodland cover.
The parkland trees and shrubs support a high quality invertebrate fauna, including the Rhinoceros Beetle, the endangered Plaited Snail, the rare Wallow Diver beetle and a ground beetle with a localised distribution in Northern Ireland.
Fungi recorded on the trees at Florence Court include Southern Bracket, Hairy Curtain Crust and Turkeytail. There are also records for a number of rare fungi, including a Brittlegill which is known from only a few sites in the British Isles.