Garry Bog Part 2 ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Earth Science
  • Antrim
Council: Causeway Coast and Glens
Guidance and literature: Garry Bog Part 2 ASSI

The area is of special scientific interest because of its physiographical features and peatland flora and lies adjacent to the south of Garry Bog ASSI. It includes a small lowland raised bog which is hydrologically connected to the main site. The intact surface displays a small pool complex with moderate hummock and hollow development supporting a number of rare species.

The Garry Bog system is internationally significant for peat stratigraphy which displays a classic sucession from clay and lake muds , through reed swamp and wood peats to raised bog peats.

Recently, volcanic glass shards (tephra) , have been identified in the peat column , permitting more reliable correlation of the peat stratigraphy . 

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