Moninea Bog ASSI
Protected area type:
Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type:
Fermanagh and Omagh
Guidance and literature:
Moninea Bog ASSI
Moninea Bog is one of the best remaining examples of raised bog within the drumlin belt of south Ulster. There were formerly many small bogs occupying the hollows between the drumlins, but the majority have either been wholly destroyed or severely modified by turf cutting, drainage or agricultural reclamation.
Moninea is one of the least modified bogs within the whole of Northern Ireland. The area is especially important for it's high sphagnum cover, including many large hummocks of Sphagnum imbricatum and Sphagnum fuscum. The nationally rare Sphagnum pulchrum is locally abundant, while scarce sundews, oblong and greater are frequent.