Montiaghs Moss ASSI
Montiaghs Moss ASSI is largely cutover lowland raised bog within the Lough Neagh Basin consisting of an intricate mosaic of peat ramparts, trenches, pools, drains, interspersed with small hay fields, alder and willow carr and tall hedgerows.
The diversity of habitats support a wide range of plant and animal communities associated with both acid bog conditions and rich fen and swamp. Montiaghs Moss is particularly important as a site for rare plants.
Of particular note, the drains, pools and old peat cuttings support a number of rare species including Irish lady's-tresses, frogbit and cowbane.
The area is also one of the most important in Northern Ireland for wetland invertebrates being the richest known site for both aquatic Coleoptera (beetles) and Aquatic Hetreoptera (water bugs). In addition, the dragonfly population is one of the most diverse in the country. The site also supports a rich terrestrial insect fauna, especially moths and butterflies.