Mullynaskeagh ASSI lies within a block of Carboniferous (some 330 million years old) sediments, known as the Leitrim Group. Excavation of the site, when it was used as a clay pit, has exposed some of the best sections of the Lower Carboniferous Leitrim Group and has uncovered a rich and diverse fossil fauna, in particular goniatites, an extinct shelled marine animal related to squid and octopus.
The quarry exposes the Sheena Shales and it is within these that most of the fossilised material has been obtained. The overall condition of the fossils acquired has been good.
The fossil assemblage at Mullynaskeagh is dominated by cephalopods (members include octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, nautiluses and the fossil ammonites), in particular goniatites with the fossil animals, comprised mainly of gastropods (marine snails) and bivalves indicating a deep water environment.
Mullynaskeagh ASSI contains an abundant and diverse range of fossil animals and also provides excellent exposure through the Sheena Shale.
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