Protected area type: Marine Conservation Zones
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Species
  • Marine
  • Down
Council: Belfast
Guidance and literature: Outer Belfast Lough MCZ

Belfast Lough is a large sea inlet situated at the mouths of the Lagan, Farset and Blackstaff Rivers on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland. Outer Belfast Lough MCZ is an exposed area and is located within Northern Ireland’s busiest sea-lough.

Ocean quahog
Ocean quahog

Home to a variety of species, the Outer Lough encompasses a wide range of habitats such as subtidal sand and subtidal mixed sediments, sediment dominated bays and rocky shores. The MCZ has been designated due to the presence of a well established population of ocean quahog that lives buried in the subtidal (sublittoral) sand habitat. Although distributed throughout Northern Ireland, ocean quahog is present in a dense aggregation in Outer Belfast Lough; it is thought that the species is well conserved here due to continuous recruitment and high population numbers.

Area: 2.507km2
Location (centroid): 54° 42.368' N 5° 35.795' W
Date Classified: 12/12/2016

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