Slieve Beagh SAC
Slieve Beagh is an upland area lying approximately four miles south of Clogher in County Tyrone, with the southern most projection extending into County Fermanagh. The upland area also extends across the border into Co. Monaghen. Within Northern Ireland, the upland topography undulates to a maximum height of 380 m at Doocarn, but generally lies between 200 and 350 m.
The blanket bog, which covers most of the area, is the third largest intact bog in Northern Ireland. Peat depth is variable and consequently the peatland structure is highly diverse with hummock, lawn and pool complexes on the deepest peats grading into large expenses of blanketing peats on low gradients to heathland communities on the steepest and more exposed slopes. Typically, the peatland vegetation supports good Sphagnum-rich blanket bog vegetation with high dwarf-shrub cover. Several lakes, on site have characteristically un-enriched waters.