Teal Lough and Slaghtfreeden Bogs ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Tyrone
Council: Mid-Ulster
Guidance and literature: Teal Lough & Slaghtfreeden Bogs ASSI

The area is of special scientific interest because it contains three sites of upland raised bog within an area of blanket peat, which together are thought to be the most extensive and least disturbed examples of this habitat type in Northern Ireland.

The largest of these bogs, at Teal Lough, probably has the finest hummock and pool complex of any raised bog in Northern Ireland. On all the bogs there are scattered large hummocks of Racomitrium lanuginosum, Sphagnum imbricatum and Sphagnum fuscum, together with other bryophytes including Mylia taylorii, Mylia anomala and Pleurozia purpurea. The bog pools also support a number of locally uncommon vascular plant species, including lesser bladderwort at Teal Lough and oblong - leaved sundew at Slaghtfreeden.

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