Turmennan SAC
Protected area type:
Special Areas of Conservation
Feature type:
Newry, Mourne and Down
Guidance and literature:
Turmennan SAC
The main plant community of the mire surface is formed by an extensive species rich mixed sedge sward over a carpet of brown mosses. In more acidic places a carpet of Sphagnum mosses is found. Whilst the central area of the site is dominated by Common Reed swamp. Other fen communities are more localised. A number of notable plants such as Anagallis tenella, Hypericum elodes, Carex diandra and Eleogiton fluitans can be found. The site also supports a range of other habitats, such as small open pools, species rich wet and dry grassland, small pockets of woodland/scrub and wet heath, providing additional diversity. A rich invertebrate community with several uncommon and rare species is present.