Upper Lough Erne SAC
- Habitat,
- Species
The open waters of the main lough and smaller satellite loughs contain a variety of aquatic communities typical of natural eutrophic lakes.
In addition the shallow sheltered shores support extensive swamp, fen and marsh communities. Behind the open grazed foreshore is species-rich grassland, which occasionally extends back into the old adjacent field systems. Alluvial woodland is found where the shoreline is ungrazed or only very lightly grazed, while occasionally the dryer soils of the drumlins behind support a natural Oak woodland; this is particularly well developed within the Crom Estate to the south and the small island to the north of the Lough. Such diversity of good habitats and communities is reflected in the very large number of rare and notable plants and insects flourishing here: the woods being particularly important for breeding passerines and home for some notable mammals.