5125 publications
Groundwater Classification - Pollution Prevention and Control Regulated Sites - 2009
Groundwater Classification - Urban Areas - 2009
Disposal of raw meat, fish, poultry and former foodstuffs
Northern Ireland municipal waste management statistics April to June 2009 quarterly report
Groundwater Regulatory Guidance
Register of Plans and Programmes in the Neagh Bann River Basin District - 2009
Register of Plans and Programmes in the North Eastern River Basin District - 2009
Register of Plans and Programmes in the North Western River Basin District - 2009
Strategic Regulatory Impact Assessment of Water Framework Directive Draft River Basin Management Plans 2009
Strategic Regulatory Impact Assessment of Water Framework Directive Draft River Basin Management Plans Summary Report 2009
Safer Cattle Handling - understanding behaviour to minimise risk of injury
Public perceptions on climate change in Northern Ireland 2009
Groundwater Classification - Trend Assessment and Points for Trend Reversal - 2009
Assessment of Environmental Impact (Water Resources) Mineral Workings advice note
Threshold Values for Assessing Groundwater Chemical Status - 2009
Imports of reptiles, amphibians, tortoises, snakes and insects
Groundwater authorisation application form
Recreation strategy 2009
Ewe management - pre-mating and early and mid-pregnancy
DARD Evidence and Innovation Strategy 2009-2013