EFS Species-Specific Advice
Species-specific advice for EFS Planners and agreement holders
During the development of the Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS) process, DAERA has identified the need for more species-specific guidance to support EFS Planners in providing written advice to agreement holders on land supporting habitat for particular species, in particular, Breeding Waders and Marsh Fritillary.
This species-specific advice aims to provide further detail on the management of the underlying habitats which support these species. species-specific advice documents can be viewed here. They have been developed with the needs of the land manager in mind and aim to supplement the information already provided to the farmer through their EFS agreement. They can also be used independently of EFS for those seeking practical conservation advice.
If you need any further advice on managing habitats for these species and are within an Agri-environment Scheme or are interested in applying please contact the EFS Advisory Service on Tel: 028 8675 7507 or refer to the EFS web pages.
For more information on Marsh Fritillary or Breeding Waders please contact NIEA Natural Environment Division on Tel: 0300 200 7856.