Environmental Impact Assessments
This section provides general information relating to requirements in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). These Regulations came into operation on 4th January 2007.
The Department is required to give an opinion on proposed projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). Each proposal is accompanied by;
- a location map
- a site plan
- the townland and grid reference
- the project type and area
- a description of the project
The Department’s opinion is given for each proposal. Additional information relating to the likely environmental effects is also detailed. Any person wishing to comment on the likely environmental effects of any of these projects may do so in writing and within 28 days of the consultation date shown for each proposal.
Comments should be sent via email to customer.forestservice@daera-ni.gov.uk or by writing to:
Forest ServicePolicy and Regulation Branch
Inishkeen House
Killyhevlin, Enniskillen
Co. Fermanagh
BT74 4EJ
EIA application forms
- Application form for woodland removal (deforestation)
- Application form for the creation of new woodlands (afforestation)
- Application form to carry out a Forest Road Works Project
Current Consultations
EIA Public Register
For details of projects on which the Department has formed an opinion within the past five years, please refer to the public register;