EU Exit Q&As - Drinking Water

EU Exit questions and answers related to drinking water for both public and private water supplies

What are DAERA doing to ensure my drinking water is safe to drink during this period?

The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) is the regulator for drinking water quality in Northern Ireland - for both public and private supplies. Drinking water quality will continue to be tested for compliance with the regulatory standards. Tests are carried out for a range of substances or organisms known as parameters. A description of each parameter and its prescribed concentration or value can be found in the Drinking Water Quality Standards table.

A number of commercial and public buildings use private water supplies for their premises. DWI is working closely with private water supply owners to ensure they have sufficient plans in place to continue to treat their water where necessary. A number of properties with private supplies have the ability to switch to the mains supply as a back-up as they already use the mains water supply to supplement their private supply. DWI continue to work with all water suppliers to ensure that drinking water is safe, clean and wholesome. DWI will continue to monitor private water supplies, with support from local councils to ensure regulatory requirements are met.

Anyone that has a concern relating to the quality of their water supply, provided to them by NI Water should contact the Waterline in the first instance on 03457 440088.

Will leaving the EU affect my drinking water?

The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) will continue to regulate NI Water to ensure the provision of safe, clean drinking water following the end of the transition period. DWI are working closely with NI Water to ensure contingency measures are in place to mitigate against any risks that might arise, such as interruptions to supplies of chemicals for drinking water treatment or spare parts for monitoring.

Will the regulations relating to drinking water change or be relaxed after the end of the transition period?

The drinking water quality regulations for both public and private water supplies is national legislation and will remain in operation when we leave the EU. The Drinking Water Inspectorate remains committed to maintaining the drinking water standards set out in these Regulations.

What can I do to manage the private water supply used in my business following the end of the transition period?

Your regulatory duty to supply wholesome water will not change following the end of the transition period. As part of your contingency planning, you should consider your ability to continue to supply wholesome water following EU exit. This may include checking the accessibility of replacement chemicals and parts to maintain your private water supply and your ability to switch to the mains water supply from NI Water if necessary.

What do I do if I cannot get replacement chemicals or parts for my water treatment following EU Exit?

As part of your contingency planning, you should check with your supplier if there is a ready supply of the chemicals or parts that you need for managing the treatment of your private water supply. If there is difficulty in sourcing chemicals or replacement parts you should consider moving to the public mains supply, if available, or contact NI Water for a mains connection. Alternatively you may be required to use an alternative supply of water such as bottled water. You should also notify the Drinking Water Inspectorate on 028 90569282 or by email to  if there are changes in use or operation of the private water supply at your premises.

What do I do if I want to connect or switch to the mains water supply from NI Water?

You should contact NI Water if you wish to connect or switch to the mains water supply from NI Water. Further information is available on the NI Water website.

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