Consultation opened on 25 January 2019. Closing date 01 March 2019.


The scoping stage of forestry planning is intended to enable you, and other stakeholders, to become involved, at the outset, in the process of developing a plan for the promotion of afforestation and sustainable forestry in the North West Forestry Planning Area.


Consultation description

Forestry Plans help us shape the future aims and benefits we obtain from our forests. It is important that plans are reviewed from time to time to ensure that they are up to date and continue to meet the diverse and sometimes competing needs of people, wildlife and industry.

You are invited to express your views and opinions in relation to any of the forestry planning opportunities presented in the downloadable scoping document for North West Forestry Planning Area forests and Woodland. This can be done by following the 'Respond online' link below, and completing the relevant section or sections in the areas provided.

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