Plant Export Certificates go online

Date published: 30 January 2020

Anyone exporting plants or plant products can now apply online for their statutory phytosanitary certificate.


The certificates, which are issued by Forest Service Plant Health Inspection Branch, confirm the items are free from quarantine pests and diseases and comply with the regulations of the importing country. 

Phytosanitary Export Certificate Online (PECOL) will go live on Wednesday, 12 February 2020. It replaces the existing paper application process and will be faster, more efficient and easier to use.

Business or individuals in Northern Ireland engaged in exporting regulated plants and plant material to third countries will continue to require phytosanitary certificates during the EU Exit transition period.

During this transition period, businesses and individuals will not require phytosanitary certificates to export regulated plants and plant products to EU Member States.

It is the responsibility of the exporter to check what the statutory requirements are of the importing country and enter them into the PECOL system at time of application.

Plant Health Inspection Branch aim to provide the phytosanitary certificate within 10 working days from the date of submission.

If required, an inspector will complete checks at the business premises and issue the phytosanitary certificate directly.

If an inspection is not required the certificate can be collected from the DAERA Direct office nominated by the business on the application. Phytosanitary certificates, which are valid for 14 days, can also be posted on request.

Further more information, email: or call 0300 200 7847.

Notes to editors: 

  1. Download more information on the new PECOL system.
  2. The department may take photographs and videos at announcements and events to publicise its work. Photographs, interviews, videos or other recordings may be issued to media organisations for publicity purposes or used in promotional material, including in publications, newspapers, magazines, other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including social media and the internet). Photographs and videos will also be stored on the department’s internal records management system. The department will keep the photographs and recordings for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they have been obtained. The department’s Privacy Policy is available on our website.
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  4. All media enquiries to DAERA Press Office or tel: 028 9052 4619.

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