Ballykilbeg SAC

Protected area type: Special Areas of Conservation
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Species
  • Down
Council: Newry, Mourne and Down
Guidance and literature: Ballykilbeg SAC

Ballykilbeg is particularly notable for its established colonies of Marsh Fritillary butterfly.  First recorded in 1996, there have been records of adults and larvae each year since.  In 1999, 168 webs were recorded in August/September.

Although the site has been affected by drainage, the fen communities present are still diverse and interesting (notable species include: Calliergon cordifolium, Calliergon giganteum, Carex diandra, Carex viridula ssp brachyrrhyncha, Plagiomnium elatum, Riccardia multifida). 

In addition, this site contains a good deal of scrub and woodland which, although not extensive in size, provides good wildlife habitat for birds and invertebrates.  As well as a large variety of woody species, the physical structure is very diverse, varying from low gorse and bramble, through intermediate size shrubs and trees of Salix, rowan and holly, to large trees of ash, beech, wych elm and Scots pine.  Additional interest is provided at Lough Falcon, in the extreme north of the site, where there are the remains of an ancient monastery.

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