Brackagh Bog ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Armagh
Council: Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon
Guidance and literature: Brackagh Bog ASSI

The area is of special scientific interest because of its wetland flora and fauna. Brackagh Bog lies in a small tributary valley of the River Bann just 3 km southeast of Portadown. Formerly a lowland raised bog, most of the acid raised peat has been removed by past turf cutting leaving the more base-rich fen peats below. The area now consists of an intricate mosaic of peat ramparts, pools, damp hollows and drains interspersed with pockets of wet woodland.

These habitats support a wide range of plant communities and include a number of notable plant species. In addition, the invertebrate communities of the fen, wet woodland and associated habitats are especially important for the site’s overall diversity and include several rare species.

Brackagh Bog also includes a range of woodland communities that have developed into an intricate mosaic with the fen and bog. Willows dominate the canopy with alder and downy birch also occurring.

The diverse mosaic of wetland habitats, with their different structures and stages of seral development has resulted in Brackagh Bog being of national importance for its invertebrate communities.

Of primary importance is the diverse moth fauna with over 150 species recorded, including 15 species of note. One of these is the red-tipped clearwing, a Northern Ireland priority species which has a well established colony at Brackagh Bog.

Other notable moths include the Valerian pug, figure of eight, satyr pug and lunar hornet moth.

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