Carlingford Lough SPA
- Species,
- Marine

Carlingford Lough (SPA) lies between Killowen Point and Soldiers Point on the northern shores of Carlingford Lough and the landward boundary is entirely coincident with that of the Carlingford Lough Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI).
The SPA boundary is also entirely coincident with that of the Carlingford Lough Ramsar Site. The SPA includes all lands and intertidal areas seawards to the limits of territorial waters. Marine areas below mean low water are not included.
The site qualifies under Article 4.1 of EC Directive 79/409 on the Conservation of Wild Birds by supporting internationally important breeding populations of sandwich tern.
The site also qualifies under Article 4.2 of the Directive for supporting nationally important breeding populations of common tern. Both roseate and arctic terns have also been recorded breeding here in the past.
The site forms part of an extended cross-border site which supports internationally important numbers of overwintering light-bellied brent geese. The extended site also supports nationally important numbers of the following wader species oystercatcher, ringed plover, grey plover, dunlin and redshank.