Heron and Carrigullian Loughs ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Species
  • Down
Council: Newry, Mourne and Down
Guidance and literature: Heron and Carrigullian Loughs ASSI

Heron & Carrigullian Loughs, together with the surrounding fen, scrub, woodland and unimproved grassland represent a large area of semi-natural habitat which supports a number of rare plants and invertebrates.

The open waters hold a range of aquatic plant species and the margins of the lakes consist of emergent swamp vegetation, backed by a species- rich fen in which lesser tussock-sedge is prominent with associated herbs and grasses. 

The area includes a further transition from fen to wet grassland and woodland, adding diversity to the site. Notable plants include rigid hornwort, Cyperus sedge, lesser tussock sedge, flowering-rush and least bur-reed.

The site is also important for invertebrates. 54 species of aquatic Coleoptera (water beetles) have been recorded for the site, making it the second richest in Northern Ireland for this group. A number of other notable species are present. Associated species include reed canary - grass, yellow iris, water mint, purple loosetrife, lesser spearwort and wild Angelica.

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