Rathlin Island - Kebble ASSI
- Habitat,
- Species
Rathlin Island (Kebble) has been declared as an ASSI because of its heathland, grassland and wetland vegetation, in addition to its associated plant and animal species. The habitats and species tend to occur only where traditional farming practices have been maintained and are consequently rare within Northern Ireland.
The complex pattern of heathland, grassland and wetland habitats form a mosaic of vegetation within a varied topography of plateaux and valleys
The site provides valuable feeding and resting sites for a range of animals, including invertebrates. Breeding waders are associated with the fen, wet grassland and wet heathland habitats, with Snipe and Lapwing both present. In 2009 5 pairs of Lapwing bred within the site, a notable population of this species. In addition Chough regularly feed within the habitats on Rathlin Island (Kebble).