Teal Lough SAC
Protected area type:
Special Areas of Conservation
Feature type:
Derry and Strabane
Guidance and literature:
Teal Lough SAC
The features of interest are all hydrologically linked; being four actively developing upland raised bogs surrounded by active blanket peat with an oligotrophic lake to the north. The pool and hummock complexes display rich bryophyte communities (including Sphagnum imbricatum and Mylia taylorii), a limited but notable range of upland invertebrates (including Salda muelleri and Agabus arcticus) and a vascular flora uncommon in Northern Ireland (Drosera intermedia and Utricularia minor). The underlying Pleistocene sand and gravel fluvioglacial outwash series, together with the ridge series, are important, being related to a major deglaciation phase of the South Sperrins.