Compensation scheme for XL Bully Owners
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The first stage of legal safeguards for XL Bully type dogs came in to force on 5 July 2024. Owners must ensure their dog is muzzled and on a lead when in a public place. Selling, gifting, exchanging or breeding from an XL Bully type dog is also prohibited.
From 31 December 2024, it will be illegal to own an XL Bully type dog without an exemption certificate. Owners can apply to their local council for an exemption certificate from 9 August 2024 and must adhere to the exemption conditions. Further details on the exemption scheme and how to apply can be found on the NI Direct website.
Owners or rehoming organisations who no longer wish to keep their XL Bully dog can arrange for the dog do be euthanised and can apply to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) for compensation.
The compensation scheme for XL Bully owners and rehoming organisations opens on 9 August 2024. Claims for compensation must be sent to DAERA for processing by 28 February 2025 using the compensation claim forms below.
For compensation to be payable, owners or rehoming organisations must make the appointment for the XL Bully dog to be euthanised prior to 31 December 2024. For euthanasia appointments carried out after this date, evidence of when the appointment was made will be required, such as e-mail confirmation of the appointment.
For XL Bully dog owners, £100 compensation is payable for the dog and £100 compensation is payable towards the veterinary fees for euthanising the dog. Rehoming organisations can claim £100 compensation towards the veterinary fees for euthanising the dog.
Email a photo or scanned copy of the form and the invoice and receipt as evidence of payment to:
or post to:
XL Bully Dog Compensation TeamGround Floor
Clare House
303 Airport Road West
Sydenham Intake