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5095 publications

Guidance documents when applying for a licence to keep a dangerous wild animal(s)

Published 20 November 2006Guidance literature

In April 2006 the BearingPoint/ADAS team was appointed to undertake the ex ante evaluation of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2007 - 2013 and its accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment

Published 30 September 2006Independent reports

Split into 3 sections, this publication provides background information on human rights, sets out the Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (and its Protocols) which have been made part of our law by the Human Rights Act and contains a series of support

Published 19 September 2006Guidance literature

This HSE leaflet provides general advice for farmers who want to improve their cattle handling system to make it safer and more efficient.

Published 15 September 2006Guidance literature

Information and guidance in lreation to planting trees close to overhead electricity lines.

Published 07 September 2006Guidance literature

Guide for applicants - pig and poultry rearing units

Published 30 August 2006Guidance literature

Standard farming installation - Rules and Guidance (poultry production)

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

Standard farming installation - Rules and Guidance (pig rearing)

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

Example of supporting documentation - Egg Laying Unit 

Published 29 August 2006Forms

Example of supporting documentation - Pig Installations

Published 29 August 2006Forms

Odour Management at Intensive Livestock IPPC Installations

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

Guidance for Operators on Noise Management at Intensive Livestock IPPC Installations

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

Guidance for Operators on Slurry and Manure Management Planning - Intensive Livestock IPPC installations

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

Guidance on preparing site reports - Pig and Poultry Farms

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

Supplementary Guidance - Assessing Environmental Impacts of Poultry and Pig Farms

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

Guidance for Treating Lightly Contaminated Surface Run-off - Pig and Poultry Units

Published 29 August 2006Guidance literature

This Code of Practice provides background information on Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) and the consequences of infection. It also provides advice to those in the industry on precautionary measures that should be taken to minimise the risk of possible infection.

Published 10 August 2006Policy papers

European Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund



Published 27 July 2006Legislation and regulations

The aim of this strategy is to ensure that by 2016 all our children and young people are fulfilling their potential. We want those who are doing well to continue to do well. 

Published 20 June 2006Policy papers

This first sustainable development strategy for Northern Ireland, along with the subsequent implementation plan, represents our first steps

Published 10 May 2006Guidance literature

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