Importing Animals, Animal Products and By-Products
Our platform offers a wealth of resources, tailored guidance, and cutting-edge tools to empower importers of all levels.
This Imports guidance site is dedicated to simplifying the movement processes and supporting our stakeholders.
Click on the links below to narrow your search by navigating the relevant pages and links within the sections below.
Firstly, you will need to select the region of origin for the movement, after which further links will become available allowing you to then select the type of Products of animal origin or live animals and the purpose of movement.
In the event you cannot find the information you are looking for; and require more detail, our dedicated Trade Imports customer care team are ready to help by contacting:
DAERA Trade Imports
Tel: 02890524588
DAERA Trade Imports are limited to providing guidance for movements in the categories of Live animal and products of animal origin only.
Other useful contacts can be found here:
- Plant Health
- DAERA Trade Exports
- Animal by-products
- Food Standards Agency
- Tariff Queries (Customs)
The European Commission are informing ALL TRACES users that they will need a two-factor authentication to access TRACES to increase system security as of 11 June 2024.
To be prepared for it and avoid any disruption of service on that day, please inform your staff and operators to set up the two-factor authentication in their EU Login account as soon as possible.
To do so, users should go to, log in with the username and password they use for TRACES (EU Login account) and follow the instructions.
Your staff and operators are invited to watch this video explaining the set-up of the two-factor authentication and consult the EU Login Help page.
High Risk Food: Not of animal origin and fishery products (Port Health):
For further information please contact:
DAERA Trade Imports
Ground Floor, Clare House
Co. Antrim
More in this topic
- Points of Entry (PoE)
- Return of NI cattle, sheep and goats from approved show or sale in GB
- Imports of feathers, treated feathers and down
- Zootechnical rules and standards - FAQs
- Moving hay and straw from GB
- Imports of animal by-products
- Imports from Third Countries
- Imports From GB
- Imports from EU
- Importing Bees from the European Union
- Importing Ornamental Fish from the European Union
- Importing Equidae from the European Union
- Importing Pigs from the European Union
- Importing Sheep/Goats from the European Union
- Importing Cattle from the European Union
- Importing Products of Animal Origin (POAO) for Human Consumption from GB to NI
- Importing Products of Animal Origin (POAO) Not for Human Consumption from Third Countries
- Importing Products of Animal Origin (POAO) for Human Consumption from Third Countries
- Importing Live Animals from Third Countries
- Importing Products of Animal Origin (POAO) Not for Human Consumption from EU Countries
- Importing Products of Animal Origin (POAO) for Human Consumption from EU Countries
- Importing Live Animals from EU Countries
- Other animal species movements from Great Britain to Northern Ireland
- Importing Pet Food from Great Britain
- Importing Animal By Products (ABP) from Great Britain
- Importing Semen, Oocytes and Embryos from Great Britain
- Importing Poultry from Great Britain
- Importing Equines from Great Britain
- Importing Sheep & Goats from Great Britain
- Importing pigs from Great Britain
- Importing Cattle from Great Britain
- Return of NI cattle from an approved show or sale in the ROI